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Digital Engagement
Digital Engagement is about taking your people, process and technology knowledge to new levels. eDiscovery/Big Data, Business Intelligence and Business Analytics transform heterogeneous platforms and databases into superior insight.
We believe Knowledge Management (KM) is a vital component to making lasting organizational improvements. Every organization has enormous tacit and explicit knowledge within its workforce, physical documentation archives and databases. Our KM program includes knowledge management certification training, tacit knowledge elicitation sessions for data capture as well as explicit knowledge tools like Position Description Continuity Books which contain checklists, standard operating procedures and network points of contact information. At Aspire, we want your organization to avoid the total loss of critical tacit knowledge, like watching your employee walk out a retirement luncheon door after a 45 year career.
Data is much more than just information. Because harvesting and arraying the right information leads to knowledge which leads to organizational wisdom. So let Aspire chart a digital engagement course to superior decision-making and knowledge retention.
Aspire consultants are subject matter experts in the latest digital innovations, trends, technologies and tools, such as:
• Internet of Things (IoT)
• Cloud Migration/FedRAMP
• Federated Databases
• Interactive Access to Hadoop Data
• Embedded Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics
• Data Discovery
• Data Quality Management
• Data Governance
• Agile Development
• Real-Time Analytics
• Sales Performance Management
• Workforce Performance Management
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